Sword Gai The Animation (Dub)
A woman died a suspicious death in the forest. Beside her, the sword-smith Amon finds a new-born boy with a tragic fate and takes him in. About 10 years later, this boy who is named Gai and who has become Amon's apprentice, loses his right arm in an accident while making a sword. Amon decides to take a sword called "Shiryuu," which is a sword with demonic powers that has been passed down for generations, and fashion it into an artificial arm for Gai. That was the beginning of it all...
Sword Gai The Animation (Dub)
Download File: https://www.google.com/url?q=https%3A%2F%2Fgohhs.com%2F2uhssr&sa=D&sntz=1&usg=AOvVaw38CszVLfgpOCIgjs_2k0jP
A woman died a suspicious death in the forest. Beside her, the sword-smith Amon finds a new-born boy with a tragic fate and takes him in. About 10 years later, this boy who is named Gai and who has become Amon's apprentice, loses his right arm in an accident while making a sword. Amon decides to take a sword called "Shiryuu," which is a sword with demonic powers that has been passed down for generations, and fashion it into an artificial arm for Gai. That was the beginning of it all...The story of this boy, who has become one with a demonic weapon and is drawn into a cruel fate in which he must face countless battles, can be seen as either the story of "a beautiful weapon and an ugly person" or of "the cruelty of weapons and the beauty of humans." This is a completely new world of comic noir.
Sword-Gai the Animation actually made me think of one other show with a similar theme (that Netflix also have the rights for) Ajin: Demi-Human. Produced by Polygon Pictures (Knights of Sidonia, Blame!, Godzilla animated movies), it tells the story of an average boy who suddenly learns after a car accident that he is an Ajin, a race of immortal demons who are seen as enemies of the state. Gai has no control of his tragic fate, just as the protagonist in Ajin: Demi-Human does not. He did not ask to have a demon sword for an arm; it was just an idea his guardian/mentor had when he lost his arm trying to make a sword. He did not ask to become a killer, or be shunned by the locals, or to have the evil powers in this sword-arm consume his body and turn him into a monster. Fate can truly be a terrible thing, and a show like Sword-Gai the Animation proves it. 041b061a72