We are the first humans to see the whole Earth from space
Can we heal the delusion that humans are set apart from the living world?
Giving thanks is a foundational spiritual practice
Gratitude will steady and ground us in this time of turmoil and uncertainty
For a few minutes lets link with goodwill for all that live
You can scroll down to meditate on the mandala of Earth from Space
Take a moment to meditate on the turning world
And give thanks for Earth's gifts of life for all beings
A few minutes of peace - good for us and good for the planet
You sense that the world is teetering on a dangerous edge
You feel this is a time of eco-spiritual emergency
You know that humans have strained Gaia's living systems to a tipping point
You try to live more simply, tread softer on the Earth, do what you can for the planet
Perhaps you’re an eco-activist, or politically engaged on behalf of Gaia
Yet you sense there is unforgotten wisdom at the core of our being
After centuries of self-isolation humankind is waking to inter-being
Could praying for the planet help melt the boundaries separating us from the world?
A minute of peace or a whole half hour: good for you and good for the planet