We are the first humans to see the whole Earth from space
Can we heal the delusion that humans are set apart from the living world?
Giving thanks is a foundational spiritual practice
Gratitude will steady and ground us in this time of turmoil and uncertainty
For a few minutes lets link with goodwill for all that live
You can scroll down to meditate on the mandala of Earth from Space
Take a moment to meditate on the turning world
And give thanks for Earth's gifts of life for all beings
A few minutes of peace - good for us and good for the planet

You sense that the world is teetering on a dangerous edge
You feel this is a time of eco-spiritual emergency
You know that humans have strained Gaia's living systems to a tipping point
You try to live more simply, tread softer on the Earth, do what you can for the planet
Perhaps you’re an eco-activist, or politically engaged on behalf of Gaia
Yet you sense there is unforgotten wisdom at the core of our being
After centuries of self-isolation humankind is waking to inter-being
Could praying for the planet help melt the boundaries separating us from the world?
A minute of peace or a whole half hour: good for you and good for the planet
We cannot change the world alone. To heal ourselves, to restore the earth to life, to create the situations in which freedom can flourish, we must work together in groups.
As much as we want it to, the world won’t change until we ourselves become active participants in the expansion of consciousness and the restoration and healing of all things.
Richard Rohr
We faintly hear a melody deep within the mind:
A melody of a universe unfolding in time
A melody of a numinous mystery that resonates throughout the entire universe
A melody of an unbroken bond of relatedness throughout the whole universe that is both spatial and temporal
A melody of a bond of intimacy that holds all together in communion
A melody of ourselves as that communion becoming conscious of itself
This sense of communion at the heart of reality
Is the central force bringing the ecological age into existence.
Thomas Berry, The Dream of the Earth